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REDISCOVERED (33rd° series)

Die aktuelle remasterte Version präsentiert das originale Studioalben in einem neuen Klang! Durch die Anwendung modernster Studio-Technologie lag der Schwerpunkt hauptsächlich auf der bestmöglichen Wiedergabe der Originalaufnahmen und somit auf dem authentischsten Klang, der diese Musik seit ihrer Erstveröffentlichung ausgezeichnet hat. Die Songs wurden sorgfältig neu gemischt, teilweise neu aufgenommen, Tracklists überdacht und neu arrangiert. Jedes Album wurde perfektioniert und verdient nun wirklich den ehrenvollen Zusatz "33°" - für den höchsten erreichbaren Grad der Perfektion. Die 33.°-Serie kommt in einem wunderschönen, mattierten Digipack, einschließlich eines Booklets mit allen Songtexten.


Record by record, the spiritual journey of Merciful Nuns is becoming deeper and deeper, and the music fits perfectly with it. This is the first part of two, GOETIA IV and GOETIA V. Artaud Seth and his Merciful Nuns have, in a very short space of time, climbed back to the heights of Goth Rock heyday. Already onto the band's forth full length release with three EPs and a live album in the discography, Seth isn't hanging about in projecting his musical and philosophical vision to the world any more. But is this a case of rushing in where angels fear to tread? With the opener ‘Ars Goetia' slowly stirring into life and projecting a still, emptiness with great power it is immediately evident that this isn't the case. The band craft atmosphere around a solid rock core with ease and show that even the more progressive inclinations they have are well within their comfort zone. There are plenty of standout songs on display here with ‘The Nazarene', ‘Temple At The Dome Of the Rock', ‘Kybalion', and the single ‘Genesis Revealed' in particular harking back to the effective gothic rock of Seth's early career, showing why Merciful Nuns is billed as GOD's only legitimate successor. One of the most notable points with any Merciful Nuns release though is the steady improvement in the production and mixes. Despite their fast schedule the album has been given plenty of time in order to get the right balance of sounds. Confidence has never been an issue for Seth and his cohorts, but Merciful Nuns still get stronger with every release. ‘Goetia IV' continues to walk the fine line between gothic rock and ambient atmospherics while still keeping to an impressively trim musical formula. There is no excess, just good song writing.

3. Auflage (33° series). Digipack (matt finish) mit Booklet.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 11.2012



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